Internet of Things and Smart Cities




Cities driven by the Internet of Things facilitate social benefits to the citizens and greater economic growth in a sustainable way. The urban space comprises transportation, healthcare, utility, office buildings, residential area, and more. The key to a …

M2M 2 min read

The Rise of the Internet of Things


Uncategorized 0 min read

Bid adieu to Guards; Welcome ATM Site Manager


Most of you would agree that ATM security is a major pain point for banks and ATM operators alike. The rising number of ATM crimes aggravates the concerns of ATM managers, yet we see most ATMs are satisfied with conventional …

ATM Monitoring 3 min read

How smart grids makes a city smarter?

Connecting machines to machines is increasing and is being impelled by a growing number of stakeholders and governments. A smart city is a connected ecosystem where multiple sectors (ranging from healthcare, transportation, utility, etc.) cooperate and exchange information within sector …

Energy 2 min read

Powering the Energy Industry with The Internet of Things

Energy and utility are estimated to drive future market growth of Machine to Machine (M2M) communications due to the Government of India’s serious initiatives to deploy smart energy meters

Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Communication has led to the evolution of “Smartness” to …

Energy 2 min read