
IoT for the Pharmaceutical Industry

Why should India adopt IoT for Pharmaceutical Supply Chain?

To ramp up efficiency, quality assurance and customer satisfaction!

Healthcare and pharmaceutical industries have always been crucial to the economy and human welfare. However with the rise in the pandemic affecting …

Energy , IoT Platform , Remote Security and Control , Vertical IOT 4 min read

Drive Digitally Transformative and Customer Centric Solutions for your Enterprise Customers

The Indian market has always been receptive to new technologies, the reason Information Technology and IT sales and services channels catapulted into fast growth in the past 2 decades. At present, in the wake of digitization across industries and technologies …

IoT Platform , Partnership , Service Providers , Vertical IOT 3 min read

Importance of Data Visualization in Enterprise IoT

Did you know?

Visual data gets processed by brain 60,000 times faster than plain text and numbers. According to a famous Danish physicist Tor Norretranders, sense of sight has the highest bandwidth than other sensory stimuli like smell, sound, touch …

Big Data , Data Visualization , Energy , Energy and Asset Management , IoT Platform , IoT Platform , Vertical IOT 3 min read