
Top 5 trends for Enterprise IoT in 2019

Digital disruption is gaining impetus across industries and it is evident IoT or the Internet of Things would be a major contributor to it. The article discusses the trends that IoT vendors, customers and solution providers should look for in …

IoT Platform , M2M 3 min read

4 Reasons to visit WebNMS booth at Gitex 2018

It is  GITEX Technology week again and we’re all pumped up to exhibit the latest version of our IoT Platform (free trial version up on the website) and upgraded point solutions for enterprises, at the show.

Let us give …

Connected Transport , Energy , Gitex , IoT Platform , Partnership , Service Providers , tradeshow , Vertical IOT 3 min read

Why Enterprise IoT adoption is still Dawdling?


As IoT continues to expand in size and influence with eye-popping estimates on number of devices connected, the whole world had already fallen for the hype. Many businesses regardless of their focus, seek to harness its potential to innovate, boost …

IoT Platform , M2M 3 min read

Internet of Things and Smart Cities




Cities driven by the Internet of Things facilitate social benefits to the citizens and greater economic growth in a sustainable way. The urban space comprises transportation, healthcare, utility, office buildings, residential area, and more. The key to a …

M2M 2 min read

Unlocking the mysteries of Big Data and M2M

Big data has become the talk of town, for it not only saves costs and improves business agility, it also gives the power to foresee threats

Internet of things (IoT) or machine-to-machine communications has revealed whole new universe of information/data …

Big Data 3 min read