
Your Secret Sauce to Make Customer Service Smarter

You’ve probably heard it a million times, especially since you’re running a product business. That’s how critical it is – you either make or lose business on how you engage your customers and the way you’re running it might soon

WebNMS 4 min read

Howling success of IoT in GITEX ’16


GITEX, one of the largest IT exhibitions in the world, played a significant role in 2016 than ever before. It defined the latest technology trends, presented high caliber speakers, showcased product innovations & brought together ambitious tech startups from across

WebNMS 3 min read

Why Enterprise IoT adoption is still Dawdling?


As IoT continues to expand in size and influence with eye-popping estimates on number of devices connected, the whole world had already fallen for the hype. Many businesses regardless of their focus, seek to harness its potential to innovate, boost …

WebNMS 3 min read

Integrating Legacy Tech on the Internet of Enterprise

Every enterprise is a brownfield scenario. Many legacy devices, especially those used in commercial and industrial applications, tend to have long life-spans. Existing device/tech haystack, in an enterprise, makes up 85 percent of all devices (IMS research), all of which

WebNMS 3 min read

Be an ATM Superpower


In many developing countries ATMs are taken for granted, but the commonality or lack of it are used as parameters to measure the economic stability of developing countries. A recent IMF report specifies that ATMs are signposts of a growing

WebNMS 2 min read

The Energy Commandments


As the 10th anniversary of the Earth Hour approaches, the climatic change is at a precarious tipping point. While the switching off of non-essential lights at home, historical sites and famous landmarks had its share of glory and benefits, …

WebNMS 1 min read

A Cambrian Explosion in IoT evolution




Studying the fossil record, evolutionary biologists have theorized an event called the Cambrian explosion. During a relatively short period, the diversity of animal life seems to have rapidly increased from predominately single-cell organisms to a much wider variety …

WebNMS 3 min read



The United Nations has declared 2016 as the International Year of Pulses. In an alternate Telecom universe, ‘Pulses’ could denote everything that ‘Service Orchestration’ stands for. There are quite many parallels between both. For example, Pulses play a key role …

WebNMS 2 min read

5 Ways in which IoT can boost your business



With an expected threefold increase in the end point IoT devices by 2020 it is inevitable that there would be hardly a business that has not seen the presence of IoT within their domain. Yet the ideal offering of …

M2M 3 min read

US defense lab choose WebNMS Symphony Orchestration Platform to dynamically provision VPLS services

“The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) has been pushing hard to automate its data center operations to free up staff to work on more difficult challenges, according to Jack Wilmer, infrastructure development executive at DISA. Speaking at the

WebNMS 1 min read